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Showing posts from 2016

An idea for startup dating...albeit a different way

Its a common practice for startups to pitch with their ideas at startup meet for recruiting like minded individuals. A couple of startup forums that I attended termed it as startup dating. It works fantastically well for both. The startup gets to recruit people who are willing to buy into the idea and the individuals interested to work in startup get an idea / venture they can connect with. It's idea I would like to present with a twist. There are many individuals who have fantastic ideas, can visualize those ideas to the tee but however due one reason or the other are never able to do anything about it.  On other hand you have fantastic executioners who are willing to take the risks and have what it takes to make an idea a reality. However they may not be always good with ideas. So what I propose is to create a platform where these two can interact, assess and collaborate to bring the ideas to their fruition. However the most challenging part of such a collaboration

An App for Call Drops

The issue of frequent call drops is a red hot topic. The regulatory body TRAI and Cellular operators association have been desperately trying to find a common ground but not without passing the buck. TRAI says the operators need to compensate the user for call drops which seems to be a noble enough intention. On the other hand the operators body says telcos can't do much as the spectrum available is not enough. The matter is still subjudice. However I was wondering if a third party app could be created, validated and authenticated by the regulatory body and telcos association. The app could track frequency of call drops based on key criteria's consolidated based on similarities. The data generated may also help telcos to check the root cause of call drops. The same data would also help the regulatory body to check if the problems beyond the control of telcos or they just shunning the responsibility. Since the app would benefit both it maybe be a joint effort between the regul