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Showing posts from June, 2014

Social One or One Social

Digital world is blooming. Social networking site is the in thing. You have blogger, tumblr, wordpress, typepad for blogging. LinkedIn for business networking. Referral Key for sharing references and business leads. Twitter for micro blogging. Facebook for friends and relations. Instagram for sharing pictures. StumbleUpon to find new cool websites, images and photos across the web. Then there are aggregators like Feedly. Add Pintrest, Delicious, Reddit, Four Square....the list could simply goes on and on. And a hell lot of us want to be on almost all of them, track them and keep following them. But can't really keep up with it for we have to constantly log in and out from one app to another to another. Though OpenID solves the problem to some extent one still has to log in and log out. That's where the idea of Social One comes in. Social One would be an interface which accumulates all my social accounts on to a singly platform from where I can pick and choose what I n

Just a Crazy Little Idea

Service providers usually add late fee charges in case of delay of payment. It's a common practice and almost a norm across all sectors from banks to telecom service providers. The late fee charges in a way reinforce that bills need to paid on time or be prepared to bear the charges. There's nothing wrong in doing this and makes perfect business sense, rarely I have seen any one incentivise payment of bills before due date. This incentives need not be monetary, rather they can be in kind offering trade off for increasing customer satisfaction and enhancing customer experience. Imagine getting those extra minutes of talk time from your telecom service provider or an blockbuster movie exclusively for you by your DTH provider. It may sound like a crazy idea but then if one gives it a serious thought the impact will definitely worth try.